Report post

What is the current share price of Afterpay limited?

Afterpay Limited's current share price is $66.47. This constitutes a share price movement of 0% when compared to its closing share price of $66.47 seven days ago. Relative to today's opening stock price, the APT stock price is unchanged. ...

Is Afterpay (ASX apt) a good stock to buy?

Today we’ll look at why we think Afterpay (ASX APT) is a great stock to buy. In fact, we have been recommending APT shares since before August 2018, at around the same time as Zip Co (ASX Z1P). The APT share price and Zip have returned over 200% and 125% respectively, since then.

Is Afterpay Limited listed on the ASX?

The securities of Afterpay Limited (the Company) are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). Afterpay Limited’s ASX code is ‘APT’. The activities of Afterpay Limited and its subsidiaries (together referred to as ‘the Group’) are described in t he Directors’ Report.

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